An explanation of the growth score and what each of the bands means.
Very Likely to Grow:
In testing, 99% of these companies grew. This indicates that this business is highly likely to achieve growth in turnover of 20% or more, scores from 66 to 100.
Likely to Grow:
Most of the companies we tested, grew. This means there is a good chance (more likely than not) that these companies will achieve growth in turnover of at least 20%, scores from 56 to 65.
Unlikely to Grow:
These companies are twice as likely to not grow than grow. They are very unlikely to experience multi-year growth and are much more likely to be a smaller company with an investment in turnover. These companies have a small chance of achieving 20% growth in turnover, scores from 35 to 55.
Very Unlikely to Grow:
Very few of these companies achieved 20% growth in turnover when testing. These companies are least likely to grow, scores from 0 to 34.