Demand for employees for almost all types of contract are on the rise and the recruitment sector is buzzing once more.
Recent research carried out by the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) via their JobsOutlook Survey has found that nearly all employers intend to maintain or further increase their use of temporary workers in the next financial quarter. Demand for staff across the board is increasing steadily with all types of worker and employee sought after.
Permanent and Temporary Employee Boost
Looking more closely at the results of the survey there is good news for all types of worker and especially for the recruitment industry. 79% of all employers surveyed stated that it was their need for ‘short-term access to key strategic skills’ of temporary workers that kept them looking for this type of employee. The key strategic skills offered by temporary employees can help businesses in peak periods and with this in mind it is no wonder that this has become the prime reason for hiring agency staff.
The JobsOutlook Survey in August 2015 also found that 86% of employers were looking to add to their permanent employee bank in the next three months, something which will not only boost the recruitment industry but business and the economy as a whole.
There is also evidence which suggests private sector employees are getting a sweeter deal, with the report finding that pay rises were twice as likely in this sector, as opposed to the public, in the past year, even with the staffing increases remaining around the same level in both areas.
The research has also shown that many businesses are operating at close to full capacity but they are still missing workers with the exact skills they need, meaning that temporary staff are coming in to fill both the skills gap and ensure projects and work can be carried out to the full level that the business requires.
With so many different core skills required in different businesses there will be competition for the permanent roles as the appear so job seekers, whether that’s temporary employees looking to find a permanent space, new entrants onto the job market or experienced professionals looking for a new challenge, will have to ensure their skills are honed and presented in the best possible way.
The recruitment industry needs to be prepared to ensure their business clients as well as their jobseekers are paired appropriately and ensure they utilise their data effectively to find the right partnerships between workers and businesses, whether this is on a permanent or temporary basis.
Business Intelligence from Red Flag Alert can help recruitment agencies to identify businesses who are expanding and will be more likely to need staff.